Katie Delahaye Paine, aka The Measurement Queen

Online Program – Measurement Base Camp

Yankee Chapter Member Katie Delahaye Paine is presenting her annual “Measurement Base Camp” on eight consecutive Tuesdays beginning April 6 at noon.

The course is devoted entirely to measurement education. Attendees will learn how to:

  • Define measurable goals and objectives
  • Analyze data using Excel Pivot Tables
  • Learn how to incorporate Google Anlaytics and SEO into your measurement program
  • Design the perfect pre/post survey
  • Create a customized Integrated Dashboard that reflects the value of all your efforts
  • Filter, clean up, and validate data
  • Calculate correlations between media outreach and customer action
  • Define bespoke metrics that reflect one’s contribution to the bottom line
  • Set up Goal Conversions and other metrics in Google Analytics
  • Set up an Internal Communications Measurement program to evaluate communications’ impact on employee engagement
  • Design an integrated measurement dashboard that brings internal and external, digital and traditional media, events and social outreach into a single source of truth.
  • Write a report that will make one’s leadership team swoon

Learn more and register