Radio Promotion in the Digital Age – June 23 Professional Development



On-Air, On-Site, Online Presentation & Tour with Manchester Radio Group

Remember radio? Our increasingly digital world has opened new possibilities for radio, which offers a wealth of opportunities for you to reach target audiences. Digital media has elevated radio and advertising capabilities by allowing media to be created, viewed, distributed, edited, and saved on any digital electronic device. The Manchester Radio Group uses these platforms to provide an array of effective marketing and promotional services to local and national advertisers, and we’ve got the inside scoop on how to make the most of these new options.

Join Yankee Chapter PRSA at the Manchester Radio Group, 500 Commercial Street in Manchester, on Thursday, June 23 from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. for an On-Air, On-Site, Online presentation. Bob Cox, MRG President/General Manager, and Andy Orcutt, MRG Sales Manager, will discuss marketing techniques, listener base insight, fostering relationships with PR professionals and other media companies, best practices for emergency communication, and much more! Following the presentation, a station tour will be offered to those in attendance.

This session is $20 for members and $25 for non-members.
