Start Your Accreditation Journey

What You Need To Know

By Mark Elliott, APR, Yankee Chapter Board Member and Accreditation Co-Chair

The Yankee, Boston, and Worcester PRSA chapters, along with the Maine PR Council, have joined forces to host a special professional development session via Zoom on Tuesday, April 9, from 4 to 5 p.m., discussing the value and process of earning accreditation for communications professionals.


Recently accredited PR professionals will discuss the value of accreditation for their careers, the APR process, and where to begin your accreditation journey. You’ll also hear from a panel of professionals with a variety of experience levels on why they decided to pursue accreditation and their experience navigating the accreditation process. The panel will also answer questions on the accreditation experience.

Becoming Accredited in Public Relations (earning your APR) is a mark of professional distinction that sets you apart from communications peers. Earning your APR credential is a milestone career achievement for serious practitioners looking to distinguish their expertise, knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) from their employer, clients, colleagues — and themselves.

Of the more than 20,000 PRSA members, approximately 20% are accredited. The standards are high; that’s why the Yankee Chapter is proud say one-third of our members are accredited. Approximately 15% of Boston Chapter members, 10% of Maine PR Council members, and 18% of Greater Worcester Chapter members are also accredited.

Interested in taking your career up a notch? Visit online.

What Are Core PR Skills? Take the Online Survey

The Universal Accreditation Board is conducting an online survey to determine the core knowledge, skills and abilities that are necessary to succeed in public relations today. The “Practice Analysis” is conducted every five years, and the results will be used to update the Accreditation in Public Relations (APR) exam and Certificate in Principles of Public Relations exam as necessary.  No personal identifying information will be collected. However, you will have the option to enter a drawing for one of four $25 gift cards.

It should take about 15 minutes to complete the survey. Please click on the link below to access the survey.

Survey for Practitioners (

Survey for Educators (

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the research chair: Marlene Neill, Ph.D., APR, Fellow PRSA, Baylor University; or Kathy Mulvihill, Sr. Manager, Accreditation,

APR Express Workshop

What is the APR? A symbol of professionalism and a credential that signifies reaching the highest standards in public relations.

Are you ready to earn your accreditation? During this five-hour comprehensive session, you’ll learn what it takes to achieve accreditation and the variety of resources available to you. The entire process will be reviewed, including how to prepare, what resources you need, and how to ace the Portfolio Presentation and the computer-based exam. You’ll also meet a recent APR and hear about their experience.

The class is taught by Jeff Paterson, APR, CEO of Empower, and Barb Byers, APR, director of content development for the UB Office of Donor and Alumni Communications.

Date: Thursday, May 31
Time: 11:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Location: Buffalo State College, 1300 Elmwood Ave, 418 Cleveland Hall, Buffalo, NY 14222
Cost: $50 (non-refundable); includes light lunch and materials

Registration deadline: Friday, May 25

For more information, please contact Accreditation Chair Barb Byers, APR, at 716-645-3315 or

To register:




APR Express Workshop 

What is the APR? A symbol of professionalism and a credential that signifies reaching the highest standards in public relations.

Are you ready to earn your accreditation? During this five-hour comprehensive session, you’ll learn what it takes to achieve accreditation and the variety of resources available to you. The entire process will be reviewed, including how to prepare, what resources you need, and how to ace the Portfolio Presentation and the computer-based exam. You’ll also meet a recent APR and hear about their experience.

The class is taught by Jeff Paterson, APR, CEO of Empower, and Barb Byers, APR, director of content development for the UB Office of Donor and Alumni Communications.

Date: Thursday, May 31
Time: 11:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Location: Buffalo State College, 1300 Elmwood Ave, 418 Cleveland Hall, Buffalo, NY 14222
Cost: $50 (non-refundable); includes light lunch and materials

Registration deadline: Friday, May 25

For more information, please contact Accreditation Chair Barb Byers, APR, at 716-645-3315 or

To register:


 Thinking of Earning Your APR? – Learn More

Is it time to step up your game? Becoming accredited in public relations (the APR) is a mark of distinction and professionalism. The APR demonstrates your mastery of strategic communications and your commitment to the highest standards of ethics and lifelong learning. Yankee Chapter’s Accreditation Committee, Jane Law, APR and Mary Ellen Hettinger, APR invite you to join the 30% accredited members and fellows in our chapter.

We will offer 90-minute classes on Wednesdays starting at 5:30 p.m., at the New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority (NHHFA) office: 32 Constitution Drive in Bedford, NH. The charge for each session will be $15, or $50 for all four sessions.

If you’re interested, download the PRSA APR Study Guide. We’ll be working from this and also Cutlip and Center’s Effective Public Relations (11th Edition); a slightly earlier edition is also fine.

Proposed schedule:

  • Oct. 18, 2017: Introduction to the APR

Includes how to “get on the clock” and apply

Questionnaire and portfolio. See this link:

  • Jan. 17, 2018: KSAs and Exam Preparation
  • Feb. 21: More KSAs and Exam Prep

For questions and to sign up, email To learn more about accreditation, go to


Omelets & APRs on St. Patrick’s Day


APR Appreciation Breakfast in Newton, MA: (l-r) standing: Mark McClennan, PRSA National Board Chair; Mark Elliott; Joe Truncale, PRSA CEO; Shane Perry; and Seth Wheeler. Seated: Liz LaRose, Mary Ellen Hettinger, Robin Schell, and Jane Law

On St. Patrick’s Day, CEO of the Public Relations Society of America Joseph P. Truncale, PhD, CAE spoke about the future of PRSA at a breakfast for Accredited Public Relations professionals (APRs) at the Newton Marriott Hotel.

At a time where there is so much overlap between public relations, communications, marketing and content marketing, how can we set ourselves apart as professionals, Truncale asked? This identity crisis is one of the challenges facing our industry.

In his 30 years as a leader in printing, Truncale took the industry from centuries of tradition into the digital age. Mark McClennan, APR, President of the PRSA board and a Boston PRSA member, also spoke about upcoming changes for the Society.

One major change is a complete overhaul of the national website by InterlinkONE, Inc. of Wilmington, Mass. Truncale emphasized that as the Society moves forward, he’s interested in hearing from members. Watch for an upcoming email survey about the future of PRSA. — Mary Ellen Hettinger, APR

Accreditation in Public Relations (APR) Celebrates 50th Anniversary Year

2014 marks a landmark year for the Accreditation in Public Relations (APR). The credential, the only nationally recognized certification of the public relations profession, celebrates 50 years in 2014. Currently, more than 5,000 professionals from the agency, corporate, association and education fields hold the APR mark.

Established in 1964, the Accreditation in Public Relations is the profession’s only national postgraduate certification program. It measures a public relations practitioner’s fundamental knowledge of communications theory and its application; establishes advanced capabilities in research, strategic planning, implementation and evaluation; and demonstrates a commitment to professional excellence and ethical conduct. The skills acquired through the process are applicable to any industry or practice area. Granting of the APR is overseen by the Universal Accreditation Board (UAB).

Unlike other professional certifications, such as CPA, Accreditation in Public Relations is a voluntary demonstration of competency; as such, it reflects a strong commitment to the profession. Earning Accreditation also provides a distinction that can set individuals apart and open doors to career advancement and higher compensation. Through their high professional and ethical standards, Accredited professionals contribute to greater understanding of public relations as a vital management function, and undermine those who would refer to our craft as spin, our professionals as flacks, and our currency as misrepresentation and disinformation.

Universal Accreditation Board (UAB)

The UAB oversees the APR program and provides a balanced blend of backgrounds in a number of public relations specialties, with representatives from each public relations participating organization. The UAB grants Accreditation, develops the Examination for Accreditation in Public Relations and policies, and reviews appeal cases. The public relations organizations that are members of the Universal Accreditation Board include the Agricultural Relations Council, Florida Public Relations Association, Maine Public Relations Council, National School Public Relations Association, Public Relations Society of America, Religion Communicators Council, Southern Public Relations Federation, and Asociación de Relacionistas Profesionales de Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico Public Relations Association).

Upcoming APR Prep Opportunities

Accreditation in Public Relations (APR)

Proven Value for 50 Years. Visionary leaders in 1964 established the Accredited in Public Relations (APR) credential as a way to recognize practitioners who have mastered the knowledge, skills and abilities needed to develop and deliver strategic communications. Decades later, as public relations evolved, the APR remains the recognized gold standard for the profession.

Recognized Standard. During the past 50 years, the procedures required to earn the APR have changed. However, one thing has not: The value behind Accreditation and the importance it plays in a society now driven by digital communications, rapidily emerging technologies and a 24-hour news cycle.

Many communicators today work under the mantle of “public relations.” Accredited members go much further. They demonstrate commitment to the communications profession, to their clients, to their company or organization, and to themselves. Earning the APR is an individual achievement open only to seasoned working professionals with a  recommended five or more years public relations experience. It’s a challenging process but it is worth it.

Upcoming accreditation preparation opportunities:

The Yankee Chapter is offering a half-day APR Readiness Review session on Saturday, April 12, at the offices of Louis Karno and Company, 31 Warren Street, Concord, New Hampshire from 9 a.m. to noon. Please contact Brett St. Clair at if you are interested in attending.

The Boston Chapter is offering a FREE Member (Yankee Chapter members too) Informational 1/2-Day  ‘APR Prep Bootcamp’ on Saturday, March 29 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Junior Achievement of Northern New England, 400 Fifth Avenue, Suite 300
Waltham, Massachusetts. The Bootcamp Course will be facilitated by successful APRs who recently went through the process from the neighboring Yankee Chapter. They will provide an insider’s recap of what to expect, how best to prepare, and the sequence of steps.

PRSA is offering a free webinar on its online APR study course Tuesday, April 1 from 3 to 4 p.m. EDT RSVP by Noon (EDT) on Monday, March 31, 2014.

April is Accreditation Month

April is Accreditation month at PRSA, a time to learn how Accreditation in Public Relations (APR) can take your career to the next level. APR is a voluntary certification program for PR professionals. APRs demonstrate their commitment to the profession and to its ethical practice by advancing the Readiness Review process and passing the computer-based APR Examination.

For more information on PRSA accreditation or the APR process, contact Yankee Chapter chair Brett St. Clair, or Bob Lindquist, APR or visit

On line resources include:

APR Workshop Sept. 25

Interested in a PR professional development workshop?

The Yankee Chapter is offering a one-day public relations accreditation preparation course Saturday, September 25, from 9-4 p.m. in Concord, NH.

It’s open to anyone interested in pursuing professional accreditation (APR) through the Public Relations Society of America, or in increasing their professional skills.

The all day session will cover/include:

  • Research, planning, implementing and evaluating public relations programs
  • Ethics and law
  • Communication models and theories
  • Business literacy
  • Management skills and issues
  • Crisis communication management
  • History of, and current issues, in public relations
  • Case studies

Cost for the session program will be $50 for PRSA members and $75 for non-members.

For more information or to indicate your interest contact:

Additional information on professional accreditation is available at the PRSA national website: