YPRSA member headshot Lisa Rousseau

Member Profile – Lisa Rousseau

Welcome to one of our newest members Lisa Rousseau! Lisa is a Community Relations Specialist for Northeast Delta Dental going on fourteen years. She completed her Bachelor’s Degree from Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) in Communications with a focus in Professional Writing, and a Minor in Social Media Marketing from SNHU this past spring. Lisa manages all of the details surrounding the company’s corporate giving requests designed to generate awareness of the company’s brand, products, and services in Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. Lisa works closely with the President & CEO, community leaders, sales and account managers, and employees, in addition to developing relationships with non-profit organizations, Chambers of Commerce, community programs, and social services to share the message about the Delta Dental brand.

In her spare time, she works on writing projects for her sister’s business and works part-time as the Marketing Director for Great Brook EMS and Great Brook Academy in Pembroke, New Hampshire on various branding/marketing pursuits. She worked closely with the President to file for nonprofit status, and are currently awaiting nonprofit approval for Great Brook Academy. She is very excited to be a part of the Yankee Chapter PRSA.

Yankee Chapter PRSA logo

2019 Yankee Chapter PRSA Treasury Report

January 1, 2019 – September 30, 2019

For the current fiscal year, the Board presented a budget with anticipated revenue of $9,660 and anticipated expenses of $10,410.

As of September 30, the chapter has $4,057.05 in expenses, which is below expectations. Revenue at $4,312.28 is below expectations, but additional revenue is expected from professional development sessions and Annual Meeting.

Of note:

  • Operations expenses at $1,865.28 are currently lower than our budgeted amount of $3,100.
  • To date, Membership led to revenues of $2,387.25 this year.
  • We sponsored the PRSA College of Fellows 30th Anniversary event in October.
  • We have incurred some expenses already for the Northeast District Conference in Portsmouth in June 2020, including a deposit for the event space. We were also reimbursed for the 2019 Northeast District Conference in Providence in June.
  • Northeast Delta Dental generously sponsored our Annual Meeting again this year.

As of October 7, the operating account balance is $6,044.44 and the Money Market account balance is $19,164.86.

Note: This report does not include complete expenses or revenues for the year, most notably total revenues from the annual meeting and membership for the months of October, November and December, as well as operating expenses for the same time period.

Respectfully submitted,

Seth Wheeler, Treasurer


                                                     Yankee Chapter PRSA
                                                Annual Treasurer’s Report 2019
                             As of September 30, 2019
to Date
to Date
Net Revenues
Over Expenses
Accreditation $150.00 $27.30 $150.00 $0.00 -$27.30
Annual Meeting $2,500.00 $418.95 $1,500.00 $0.00 -$418.95
Assembly Delegates $1,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Awards $200.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
District Dues $260.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Yankee PRSA Scholarship $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $0.00
Yankee PRSA Grant $500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $500.00
Membership $0.00 $0.00 $4,500.00 $2,387.25 $2,387.25
Leadership Development $100.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Operations $3,100.00 $1,671.06 $0.00 $769.00 -$1,096.28
Stock Photography $250.00 $33.00 $0.00 $0.00 $-33.00
Advertising $100.00 $181.74 $0.00 $0.00 -$201.74
Professional Development $1,250.00 $525.00 $2,000.00 $653.15 $78.15
Treasury $0.00 $0.00 $10.00 $2.88 $2.88
Sponsorship $1,000.00 $700.00 $0.00 $0.00 -$700.00
Total $10,410.00 $4,057.05 $9,660.00 $4,312.28 -$8.99
Account Balance Balance
Operating $6,044.44
Money Market $19,164.86
Total Cash $25,209.30


Yankee Chapter PRSA logo

Oct 9 2019 Yankee Chapter PRSA Board Meeting Minutes

DRAFT-For Approval

October 9, 2019

Present: Stefanie Breton, Andy Morse, Susan Geier, Mary Ellen Hettinger, Amber Bedi, Seth Wheeler, Mark Elliott, Michelle Dunn, Jane Law, Donna Eason, Tom Bebbington

Call to order 3:06 p.m.

Minutes: September meeting minutes approved with amendments.

September Treasurer’s Report (Seth): We have $300-$400 in PayPal account right now that is from annual meeting, October PD session and November PD session. So revenue will be higher later once that money is broken out.

September Treasurer’s report approved.


Annual meeting update (Stefanie, Andy): Northeast Delta Dental is sponsoring again for $1,000. The details are moving forward with SNHU as presenter on Oct. 30 at Red River Theatres. Discussed having a Board dinner the night before (Oct. 29); chapter will pick up the tab.

We have 8 people signed up right now; in the past we have split up the list and had board members reach out to members to encourage them to attend. Board can do that again. Andy will send out a list to the board.

If Bob is attendance, maybe he can take pictures?

Chapter Dues: Every year we submit our dues amounts to National. Seth does not feel the pros outweigh the cons to raise our rates. Jane asked if we wanted to consider reducing dues for retirees and associate members? We could send out a reminder to let retirees know about the reduced rate.

Board vote for 2020: $20 chapter dues for retirees, $20 chapter dues for Associate Members

Michelle can do some outreach to the PRSSA chapters around this.


Awards Committee Report (Tom): A written report was sent out to the board about the proposed changes.

1. Discontinue the current Pat Jackson and Summit Awards, due to a seeming lack of interest—and of qualified candidates—in the Chapter’s service area.
2. Honor the legacy of Pat Jackson to “spread the Gospel of PR” among local business and non-profit leaders by forming a speakers bureau made up of experienced members who are willing to volunteer to speak in front of Chambers of Commerce, business groups, etc.
3. The current $500 Yankee Chapter PRSA Scholarship, sponsored by EDvestinU, does not attract a large number of applicants, and our informal research suggests that the relatively low value of the award discourages applicants from applying. The committee therefore recommends that the Chapter supplement EDvestinU’s contribution with $500 of our own funds, to make the award $1,000.
4. The committee recommends that since the Scholarship no longer bears Jim Bradley’s name, a new award should be established: a scholarship-like program that provides a graduating senior a one-year membership in PRSA Yankee Chapter, PRSA National, and the New Professionals Section, and free admission to all PDs and Chapter events throughout the year.
5. The Committee makes no recommendations on the Good as Granite or Lifetime Achievement Awards, since they serve largely to recognize long-time members’ contributions to the Chapter and to the profession, rather than those outside the profession.

Board votes:
1. Approved – discontinue Pat Jackson and Summit Awards.
2. Approved – form a speakers’ bureau.
3. Approved – increase scholarship to $1,000 ($500 EDvestinU, $500 from chapter).
4. Approved – a scholarship-like program that provides a graduating senior a one-year membership in PRSA Yankee Chapter, PRSA National, and the New Professionals Section, and free admission to all PDs and Chapter events throughout the year. Offer everything for free for the first year to see how it goes.

Membership (Michelle, Amber): We have one new member: Kristen Brewster from NHHFA. We are down to 96 members. We reached out to national (not chapter) members but it was actually limited to prospects only-didn’t get a response. We have 16 prospects right now; 8 former members who are now prospects. That is the next outreach. Consider another chapter promotion this fall? Target it to the prospects. We can discuss in November.

PRSA National Bylaw Proposals:
-One is the approval of the Certificate of Incorporation, which is a revision that happened this year due to the fact that the New York State nonprofit laws changed, and we needed to update our certificate which hadn’t been updated in decades, literally decades. The only thing that the governance committee did to it was to tighten up and modernize the language of what PRSA does.

-The second item that will come before the assembly is basically a rewrite of the bylaws, again, due to the change in the New York State nonprofit laws. So we, again, worked with legal counsel. The legal counsel found a lot of things here and there and so they reorganized it and put it back together. It’s a massive change, but there’s no real substantive change to it.

-The third item to come before the assembly is a bylaw amendment proposed by four to six people, one of whom introduced the same bylaw amendment last year. Mary Beth West. It was soundly defeated last year, and that was to bring the bylaws back to pre-2016 when it was voted that the board should select the candidates for the slate for officer positions. The Governance Committee and the board are recommending against that, by law amendments. Governance Committee and the board saw again saw no reason to move the society backward.

Board votes:
Direct Andy to vote “yes” on article 1901 – Approved.
Direct Andy to vote “yes” on article 1902 – Approved.
Direct Andy to vote “no” on article 1093 – Approved.

Scholarships & Grants (Donna): Awarded 2019 scholarship to junior Brianna Newman of Champlain College. Donna would like to start promoting the 2020 Scholarship now with the new amount and will update the application so we can get it online.

District Conference Update (Andy): call for volunteers went out; we have had one person respond and Boston shared it already. Planning committee is meeting again next Wednesday.


APR: no new news, latest APR is a PRSA member but not a YPRSA member (prospect as of 10/9/19). Mary Ellen will follow up with her.

Ethics: Liz not on the call

Communications: Mackenzie and Roz not on the call

Past President’s Council (Tom): no new updates

Member Engagement/PD: We had a great PD session on crisis communications with Scott Spradling at Nackey Loeb School at the end of September. We also had a webinar this past Tuesday on message framing.

Upcoming events:
Annual meeting-Oct. 30 at Red River Theatres
Shining a Light on Timberland’s CSR Strategies-Nov. 12 at Nackey Loeb School

Nominating Committee: Mackenzie Kreitler has resigned from the board effective immediately; so we will need to remove her from the 2020 slate. Andy reached out to someone about filling the slot; waiting to hear back. We could nominate someone from the floor. We could also ask that person to fill out the remaining year (2019).

Other: Andy thanked the Awards Committee for all of their work on the recommendations.

Meeting adjourned at 4:16 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Stefanie Breton




Yankee Chapter PRSA logo

2018 Yankee Chapter PRSA Annual Meeting Minutes

Thursday, November 1, 2018
Red River Theatres, Concord

Present: Mark Elliott, Tom Bebbington, Mary Ellen Hettinger, Bob Linquist, Stefanie Breton, Seth Wheeler, Andy Morse, Grace Lessner, Brett St. Clair, Ashley Januszewski, Jane Law, Susie Stone, Tori Berube, Robin Schell, Patricia McLaughlin, Amy Sterndale, AnnMarie French, Michelle Dunn, Gina Balkus, Jayme Simoes, Shannon Stephens, Kathleen Walker, Amber Bedi, Crystal Mockler, Kristen Lestock, Susan Geier, Donna Eason, Mike Nikitas, Mackenzie Kreitler, Chip Griffin, Lauren Collins-Cline, Mike Paulin

The meeting was called to order at 9:57 a.m.

Treasurer’s Report (Stefanie Breton): We have $4,104.11 in revenue and $7,280.26 in expenses. We sponsored Champlain College-PRSSA Chapter’s CommFest and travel to the National Conference for the Husson Chapter-PRSSA. Northeast Delta Dental graciously sponsored our Annual Meeting again this year. The treasurer’s report was approved.

Outgoing President’s Report (Mark Elliott): Complete report is in the Annual Report. Mark thanked our Chapter’s Board and our many volunteers for their dedication and hard work. He noted that we must find ways to attract and engage new members who will lead our Chapter and profession into the future. Additionally, Mark mentioned that our Chapter is hosting the 2020 Northeast District Conference.

2019 Slate of Officers (elected unanimously):

President Andy Morse, Concord Regional VNA

President-elect Stefanie Breton, City of Concord

Past President Mark Elliott, APR, Velcro USA

Secretary Mackenzie Kreitler, PR Consultant

Treasurer Seth Wheeler, NH Electric Cooperative

Incoming President Andy Morse’s Preview of 2019: Andy would like to continue to expand on plans introduced by predecessors such as continuing to work hard to provide value to existing members and expand networking opportunities. He encouraged members to get involved and also encourage others to get involved.

10:35 a.m. meeting adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,

YPRSA Board of Directors


Champlain College Junior Brianna Newman Awarded 2019 Yankee Chapter Scholarship

Brianna Newman, a junior at Champlain College and a resident of Maplewood, N.J., has been awarded the 2019 Yankee Chapter PRSA Scholarship. This year for the fifth time, the annual scholarship is sponsored by EDvestinU®, the NH Higher Education Loan Program’s Nonprofit Student Loan Lending and Refinancing Program.

At Champlain College, Newman is pursuing a major in public relations with a minor in event management. She is an active member of the college’s Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA).

The Yankee Chapter PRSA Scholarship recognizes the academic achievement, demonstrated leadership, and commitment to public relations of a student with a declared major in a public relations-related field studying at a degree-granting college or university in Maine, New Hampshire, or Vermont.

The Yankee Chapter will begin accepting applications for the 2020 scholarship early next year.

John Boroshok

Congratulations to our newest APR

Congratulations to Jon Boroshok, a member of the Communications and Public Relations faculty at Southern New Hampshire University! He is our latest chapter member who has achieved APR after successfully completing the Examination for Accreditation in Public Relations and certification from the Universal Accreditation Board.


Schell Recognized with new PRSA Award

Robin Schell, APR, Fellow PRSA, was the initial recipient of a new PRSA award, the Sage Award, recognizing a professional for mentorship and inspiring others in public relations and PRSA. She was presented the award at the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) International Conference in Austin, Texas.

Left to right, Stacey Smith, Robin Schell, and Jane Law.

A Collaborative Statement on the Essential Value of a Free Press

By  August 16, 2018

The statement below was released August 16, 2018, by PRSA and eight other professional communication organizations to collaboratively express our support for the critical role of a free press and the First Amendment. With the unanimous support of your Board of Directors and staff leadership, it was done in concert with more than 200 newspapers across the U.S. who are today voicing, in their own ways, that ethical journalism, and freedom of thought and expression, are perpetually essential to democracy.

Anthony D’Angelo

In today’s political climate, there will inevitably be charges that this statement reflects a political stance or bias. It does not. Rather, it affirms the U.S. Constitution and the values that transcend political parties and other affiliations; in fact, the statement is co-signed by the Global Alliance and other organizations with significant international representation that also subscribe to those values.
In that spirit, please feel free to add your voice to a monumentally important conversation.
“The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.”                

~ Thomas Jefferson

This oft-cited quote conveys the fundamental importance of today’s free press despite its articulation before electronic, digital and social media were invented. The dramatic expression by a founding father who was brutally criticized by the media of his time underscores that the standing of a free press transcends politics, geographies or other affiliations.

Today we join with our compatriots in the news media to proudly affirm the Fourth Estate as a vital engine of democracy. Without it, and without freedom of thought and expression as provided by the First Amendment, informed decision-making is not possible and individual freedoms suffer. From a global perspective, journalism serves all people through ethical pursuit of the truth.

As organizations devoted to professionals across the communications industry, we are dependent on a free press, and rely upon it as we speak honestly and fearlessly on behalf of ourselves, our companies, clients and causes. A free press provides citizens access to information and opinions so they can make their own judgments.

We collaboratively declare our support for journalists who bravely seek the truth, focus on facts, and hold government, business and other institutions accountable.

Aberje – Associação Brasileira de Comunicação Empresarialwww.aberje.com.br

Public Relations and Communications Association, www.prca.org.uk

The American Advertising Federationwww.aaf.org

The Arthur W. Page Center for Integrity in Public Communicationwww.bellisario.psu.edu

The Arthur W. Page Societywww.awpagesociety.com

The Commission on Public Relations Educationwww.commissionpred.org

The Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communications Managementwww.globalalliancepr.org

The Institute for Public Relationswww.instituteforpr.org

The International Association of Business Communicatorswww.iabc.com

The International Communications Consultancy Organisationwww.iccopr.com

The National Black Public Relations Societywww.nbprs.org

The PR Council, www.prcouncil.net

The Public Relations Society of Americawww.prsa.org

APR Express Workshop 

What is the APR? A symbol of professionalism and a credential that signifies reaching the highest standards in public relations.

Are you ready to earn your accreditation? During this five-hour comprehensive session, you’ll learn what it takes to achieve accreditation and the variety of resources available to you. The entire process will be reviewed, including how to prepare, what resources you need, and how to ace the Portfolio Presentation and the computer-based exam. You’ll also meet a recent APR and hear about their experience.

The class is taught by Jeff Paterson, APR, CEO of Empower, and Barb Byers, APR, director of content development for the UB Office of Donor and Alumni Communications.

Date: Thursday, May 31
Time: 11:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Location: Buffalo State College, 1300 Elmwood Ave, 418 Cleveland Hall, Buffalo, NY 14222
Cost: $50 (non-refundable); includes light lunch and materials

Registration deadline: Friday, May 25

For more information, please contact Accreditation Chair Barb Byers, APR, at 716-645-3315 or babyers@buffalo.edu.

To register: http://prsabuffaloniagara.org/meetinginfo.php?id=137&ts=1519611551


New PRSA Intersections Conference

Have you heard? We are launching an all-new professional development event, the PRSA InterSections Conference, in Anaheim, Calif. from Aug. 9-10, 2018.

This unique event will bring together public relations and communications professionals in the financial, technology, entertainment and sports sectors for two days of in-person learning and networking! Registration is now available online.

The PRSA InterSections Conference will feature three distinct Learning Tracks with programming specifically tailored to the needs of technology, financial, entertainment and sports communicators, respectively. Attendees can select their Learning Track during the registration process and will join a series of breakout sessions curated by leaders in each industry. Plus, participants will join together for shared general sessions, a round table event and meal functions to expand their professional circles by networking with all conference participants.

Currently, PRSA is accepting presentation proposals for the InterSections Conference through March 9, 2018. Don’t miss this chance to share your insights, experience and expertise with your fellow PR and communications professionals.

To participate as a session speaker at the 2018 InterSections Conference, please submit an innovative and compelling presentation proposal supporting communications professionals in the following industries:

  • Technology
  • Financial Communications
  • Entertainment or Sports

Presentations must be targeted to mid- to senior-level communications professionals. The strategies and practical applications in your proposal can focus on both traditional and new forms of communication outreach — whether social media, publications, strategy, planning, measurement, leadership communication, crisis communication or specific issue topics and/or teachable case studies.

By emphasizing how the work of PR and communications professionals can intersect across industries, the conference aims to provide an enriching atmosphere to elevate and enhance your practice.

We hope to see you this summer in Anaheim!